Monday, December 1, 2008

Fly Like Paper, Get High Like Planes

I am curious as to how many people actually read this thing, whether they were linked from my Facebook, or did the six degrees of separation thing, or just happened to hear about it from me. I have thought about writing in here on a more than monthly basis, but I'm not sure if it benefits anyone but myself. (I'm not sure if I can even include myself in that.) I mean, most of my friends seem to forget this blog even exists, so its importance may not be so grand. Then again, curiosity killed the cat.

Lately, I have been on this big rush of reconnecting with old friends and making new friends. Not to say I don't always want to do this, but now that I'm not in a show and school is nearly over (and work is, well, still there, but limited for the next few months), I have been hyped up over embarking on spontaneous excursions again, and simply put, spontaneity is on another level of fun when someone else partakes in it with you. I just love that feeling of going out, with no boundaries, no fences. It's like flying, it's a breath of fresh air, it feels like freedom. It's hard though, because even with all of my free time, I feel very limited in finding others to join me in these random adventures. I'm not blaming anyone, I just have an active imagination. Apparently, it comes with being an only child. And it's more exciting to feel like I can share this activity with others.

For instance, I have been meaning to drive to the beach in Santa Cruz or Half Moon Bay (more likely Santa Cruz since it's warmer there) and watch the sun set, or the sun rise if I could get myself up early enough. I have wanted to drive up Big Basin Way and take in the late night view at Skyline again; it's been a long time since I went stargazing. The next time it rains, I want to be at Memorial Park, running and dancing around, harmonizing to the songs of The Beatles or Spring Awakening. I would like to drive to my high school again, go out to the football field late at night and punch blocking sleds, or roll in the grass, or yell at the freeway. I want to take lots of pictures again. Seriously, it has been a very long time since I took pictures for myself. Of course, I know the reasons why that is the way it is. (I point the finger partly at Facebook, because I end up stealing other people's pictures from events I partook in from there. It's not just Facebook though...) There's so much I want to do that I haven't yet, and I have felt a big disconnect from a lot of people lately that is unsettling. I feel like 2009 needs to be a year of change (no political reference intended), and that I need to take more initiative in making it that way. There's one more month left before the new year, so why not start now?

More than anything, for my birthday, I really just want to spend time with people. Not on my actual birthday, because that's near close to impossible, but it's nice to just be with friends. Quality time spent with people has a lot more value than anything money can buy, and I am so grateful for the people I know who have helped me see that.

I almost think I have this acquaintence-to-friendship riddle solved. The key word is "almost". Still, school is not over yet, and I have a few more lines to memorize, and a horrible movie that needs more conflict written in the first ten pages.


enigmatic said...

I still read this. Every post. Sorry I am not closer to embark on random adventures with. Maybe when I get home...

Peter V. Hilton said...

I suppose 99% of 99% of success is self-manufactured . . . but that defeats the whole purpose of the deep and inspiring quote :-)