Tuesday, April 21, 2015

100 Posts Later

As happy as I am with my current circumstances, I acknowledge that there will also be trying times, and last week was as bad as it has felt in a while. The obnoxious part is that it was self-inflicted, for there is no one to blame but myself for letting it all bother me as much as it has. And the thing is, it really isn't so bad.

Every time I start to feel even a little bit sad, I try to step back in my thoughts and reminisce, and when I do, I can't help but continue to realize how great life is. I'm in a good place right now, and even though I'm aware of the upcoming circumstances that could shake how steady things feel, I am very fortunate that this is where I'm at. This is a crazy world, and crazy things are happening everywhere, but I have means, I have a safe place to live, I have good people around, I have a strong faith, and I have hope for better days to follow the good ones (and the not-so-good). Given where I was about, say, some 10+ years ago, I never could have imagined I would be where I am now: happy.

It's kind of refreshing to see how my posts have gone from snarky and shallow to some a little more real. And yet....

In addition to keeping up with the sixth season, I have been rewatching old episodes of Community. That also makes me happy.