Monday, January 26, 2015

One Resolution: No Resolutions

I was not prepared in December, and had I been, I would have taken the initiative in putting together a comprehensive list of, what normal folks call, "New Year's Resolutions". Better yet, I could have worked and improved a bit more on what was my apropos substitute of such a list, my 101 goals in 1001 days. It was not procrastination, or laziness, but sheer lack of interest in scribing anything in particular on paper (or through a computer screen) that I would want to achieve in the next calendar year, or perhaps three and a half years.

This does NOT mean, however, that I have sulked away in apathy. Given I have currently taken it upon myself to be sure I have a consecutive 2-day weekend (at least for the next four months) I am making it a point to focus less on what I do not have and wish to gain, and more on those aspects of my life that matter now. Is it wrong for me to set goals and hope for something in my life to appear which is not here at the moment, such as a larger paycheck or a dream role onstage? Absolutely not, and these too shall come to pass if meant to happen when the time is right. Instead, my focus of 2015 has and is directed elsewhere at the moment.

Beknownst to me, Frozen has now been incorporated into California Adventure; surprise, surprise. Naturally, we had to check it out. Despite my reluctance in indulging on the fad that has infringed upon my poor Muppet theater and surroundings, it's actually a very cute area, with white hot chocolate, snow sledding, and you can give Olaf a warm hug.

I also made it through my first timed Disneyland 5K. It was, unfortunately, my fault for underestimating how sore I would be. After all, I ran a 10-miler only three months prior with little pain, how bad could a 5K be? Suffice to say, I will not be making that mistake again before my next 5K in a few weeks.

What would a themed Disneyland run be without themed souvenirs? Ours, in particular, being a Stormtrooper souvenir mug and three glowing Death Star cubes.

On yet another Disneyland excursion with friends, we were stopped by a friendly fellow who challenged one of us to name 5 Disney princesses. Needless to say, the challenge was accepted and complete, and we earned our reward.

If it seems that thus far 2015 has revolved thematically around friendship, running, Disneyland, and good feelings, that's because it has. It will only continue as the year progresses, and I anticipate other momentous events will spiral through in turn: birthdays, weddings, showers, musicals... and more Disneyland. It is not necessarily my intention that the new year continues in such an orbit, but if it should, it would not be unwelcome.

Life is good.