Other fun things about this place:
~One of my new roommates is a cat who is a cutie pie, and she is the only cat I have been around recently that does not give me stuffy, itchy, sneezing fits.
~Fitness room!
~Always a plus to save a bit of $$.
~Welcome, guests!
~One of my favorite ramen places is down the street. Actually, maybe that's not so good....
I already miss my family I lived with before, but the adjustment to this new place has been fairly easy, and I am really happy to be living back in this city again too. I'm sure I'll have more to update in the coming days, maybe weeks, while I continue to move everything into its place here. It still feels surreal, like I'm still on vacation mode, not to mention I don't actually have a bed yet, so I'll be camping on the floor or the couch for the next two weeks! It's nice though, and I'm happy.
Here's to change, may it always be the only constant.