Monday, December 2, 2013

I Am a Hobbit: The Christmas-Birthday Conundrum

Recently, a former roommate of mine sent this Buzzfeed link to me:
Why Christmas Birthdays Are The Worst

And it cracked me up. It's funny and, for the most part, it's very true.

I wanted to expound on a few of these points, because not a lot of people really understand it. Christmas babies can get tossed aside sometimes because it's stressful enough having to deal with Christmas, let alone celebrate a birthday on top of it. It's essentially Sixteen Candles, except it happens not just once, but nearly EVERY year.

Now, lest I sound ungrateful in the next few paragraphs, let me say that my family has done great in dealing with my awkward day of birth. I have also had a few friends and an old flame go out of their way in small, special ways to spend a little time with me, and those are the birthday memories that I remember with fondness and cherish most.

Well, this is a taste of what it has been like to have Christmas birthday:

Christmas > birthday.

My birthday will always be upstaged by Christmas, and by the jolly large man in the red suit who says Ho-Ho-Ho. I don't blame anything or anyone for this happening, because there are a heck of a lot more people in the world celebrating Christmas than they are my birthday. I compensate by pretending all of the festivities and decorations are for me though. =P

Now I confess, and I feel bad admitting it, but I have had a tendency to ignore "Merry Christmas" wishes I received via voice message, text, FB, and so on, if they do not include a "Happy Birthday" wish as well. It's not because I don't want to wish these kind hearts a merry Christmas in turn (and I'm getting better at just letting it go and sending an appropriate reply), but it's kind of a bummer to be acknowledged on Christmas but forgotten on your birthday. =/

(That said, I am SO thankful to receive birthday wishes from those who remember, and goodness knows how sweet these people are to take time out of their fun Christmas celebrations to send me a quick shoutout.)

On that previous note...

Birthday party? Forget about it.

It'll never happen ON my actual birthday. Now, it seems a rare event for anyone to celebrate their birthday ON their actual birthday, but I usually have to block out the ten days before and after Christmas (if not more) as well because any party I schedule in this period of time will be a party of 1. Even if I am in a town where other friends are as well, Christmas is a family holiday, and the majority of people who celebrate it will be with their families and unable to attend any other sort of party or gathering, let alone a birthday. I'm used to celebrating in solitude though, and I would frequently take myself out for mini-celebrations -- it gives me time to think about what I have done with my year and what more I could do in the future, among other things.

But how many places are actually open on Christmas day?

As a result, and a fun one at that, I have taken to celebrating my birthday whenever I want, especially on my half-birthday and baptism birthday. I'm hoping to change that this year though and actually attempt a small celebration sometime this month, but with an incredibly busy schedule, it may not be easy.

I can also be thankful that Disneyland is one of the few places that IS open so I am able to rock the birthday badge on my actual birthday.

Double presents?

Yes and no.

Some years, I was spoiled more than others. For instance, in third grade, I got a guitar (which I still play today), as well as a slew of other little gifts just from my parents. This came not just from being an only child but also being the only grandchild on one side of the family living in the same country as said grandparents. It was humbling at times though to steer away from materialism because often that toy that I really really REALLY wanted in April would always have to "wait until Christmas/birthday", and come October, it would be long gone from my mind, or no longer in production, or upgraded to something newer, faster, and better -- and who needs that?

On the other hand, most of my life, I have been victim to the combination Christmas & birthday present, because HEY, they happen to be on the same day! It's been annoying at times, but that's the materialistic child in me talking. (And honestly, I have received some amazing single presents that I can't be cynical; the guitar, for one, was more than enough.) At this point in my life, and with our economy, it really doesn't phase me; I ask for so little nowadays because I don't need much, that I am thankful for ANYTHING I get. And I would do the combo present if I had friends with a Christmas birthday.... okay, no, I probably wouldn't.

Speaking of, I can't think of anyone else who has to give other people gifts on their own birthday, aside from the Christmas babies. And apparently, hobbits.

Now, things have improved as I have grown older. I appreciate that I can celebrate my birthday setting aside my selfish needs and thinking about and giving to my family and friends, and sometimes people I don't even know. I especially love being able to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and ponder on His life and all that he gave to me and for all humankind, and goodness knows Jesus didn't let His birthday stop Him from showing charity to others!

Plus, birthday aside, I love the Christmas season and all it represents. And now that it is December, it gives me all the more reason to break out the Christmas tunes and movies.

Also, another reason I have grown to love my birthday: Rod Serling has a Christmas birthday too. =)