Friday, January 25, 2013

Les Misérables, Partie Deux

I went to see Les Misérables in theaters for the second time. Here is a collection of thoughts that came to mind tonight, during and after the movie:

~Do you hear the people sing? Because this song always seems to get stuck in my head when I hear it.

~I know they make Hugh Jackman look different as he goes through the various changes in Jean Valjean's life, but nineteen years pass and he still looks good. Is Hugh really 44 years old? (Is Joel McHale really 41?) Maybe getting older isn't such a scary thought.

~Thénardier is apparently the only French man in this movie with a French accent. Everyone else must have immigrated from England.

~Helena Bonham Carter's Madame Thénardier reminded me of a grimy, nastier version of her Mrs. Lovett.

~Eponine made me so much more sad and sympathetic this time around. She is gorgeous AND she broke my heart. I would still love to portray her onstage someday. (If I ever make it back up on a stage and can squeeze out any talent.) Eh, it's nice to dream, I suppose.

~Come to think of it, I would love to portray any one of the leading ladies in this show: Fantine, Eponine, Cosette (if I can ever reach that C again), even Madame Thénardier would be fun. I'm probably just a few years too old and a few feet too tall to perform Castle on a Cloud though...

~Marius further proves that no matter what you look like, girls will still think you're hot if you have a great singing voice. I call that the Michael Bublé effect. (And yes, 90% of what makes Michael and Eddie Redmayne hot are their singing voices. Maybe 70% singing voice in Eddie's case since he is also British which gives him an extra dose of hotness.)

~Enjolras is a handsome pup. Revolution? Sign me up! Vive la France!

~Even though I knew what was coming, I teared up the first time I watched Gavroche's last scene. And then I did it again tonight. And I will probably continue to be emotionally hit by this scene every time I see it. Darn those kids.

~Still no waterworks though. I guess I'm just an insensitive turd.

~I want a pretty fancy-sounding French name. Maybe I'll bestow them on my future kids.

~Russell Crowe is NOT a terrible singer. He is by no means as pleasant to listen to as the other actors (and I did cringe through the first viewing when he started singing), but he manages to pull it off, and at times his subtlety portrays itself very well in Javert's emotions. I'd still rather hear someone else sing "Stars" though. Anyone else. Well... maybe not ANYONE...

Overall, Les Mis is a great movie, and completely deserving of every award nomination (and win!) it has received thus far. And it might be worth watching in the theaters a third time... or maybe I'll just go see Cloud Atlas a second time and wait for Les Mis to go on DVD.

P.S. Cloud Atlas is another amazing movie worth watching. It's mind-blowing.

Monday, January 7, 2013

One Month Until October 19th!

I found some old notes, quotes, and tidbits I jotted down in my notebook and cell phone, and although it may be repetitive, it's kind of nice to recognize the state of mind that is October 19th. I did this in another post a few months ago, and I'm quite pleased at how I have maintained this state of mind, not just for these past few months, but for the majority of 2012. And so, also for lack of creativity coupled with a sore throat and stuffy head, I will pick up where I left off and look back at more of the simple joys that are October 19th.

When you don't have to dress in costume and collect candy to have an enjoyable Halloween night -- that's October 19th.

Eating banana fosters cheesecake while being serenaded by a fine jazz trio -- that's October 19th.

When you start rocking out to Beatles' songs during your ten minute work break -- that's October 19th.

Composing a rough three-part harmony arrangement of a Christmas song in a matter of a few hours and performing it a few weeks later -- that's October 19th.

When your dog is the instigator for a conversation between you and a cute LDS boy you've never met before -- that's October 19th.

Spending a four-day weekend with hot chocolate, Christmas movies, and many great people -- that's October 19th.

When the pronunciation of a new language starts to make sense (dziękuję Youtube!) -- that's October 19th.

Putting up Christmas lights in your room after a two-year hiatus, and listening to them every other night -- that's October 19th.

When doomsday is randomly spent with a few (or many) laughs from The Soup -- that's October 19th.

Making it through ten hour work days with loads of energy to continue playing after -- that's October 19th.

When you spend a night of karaoke with just one other friend and realize it's the best night of karaoke ever because you can sing every other song and rock out with said friend to some amazing duets -- that's October 19th.

On that note, when same friend makes you feel pretty darn special by being the only one to celebrate your birthday in December with karaoke -- that's October 19th. (January karaoke celebration coming soon... =P)

Discovering you share a birthday with Rod Serling -- that's October 19th.

When you have been gifted the awesome sweater that you asked for your birthday TWICE -- that's October 19th.

Treating yourself to birthday dinner on more than one occasion just because you actually have the time (and money) to do it -- that's October 19th.

When your friends spontaneously surprise you with a birthday cookie two nights before your birthday -- that's October 19th.

Getting in and out of the DMV in less than an hour without any hassle -- that's October 19th.

When your married friends treat you to your first Disneyland tour and a fancy dinner so that you can celebrate your birthday at the same time they are celebrating being newlyweds -- that's October 19th.

Celebrating what thus far has been the best Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and birthday all in the same year -- that's October 19th.

Realizing the start of the fourth season of Community is one month away -- that's October 19th!