Friday, November 30, 2012

25 Days to Christmas

I do not have any of substance to actually write about tonight (then again, do I ever?), but I have also been meaning to post about a lot of different things. A lot of my thoughts are pretty insignificant, but I sometimes wonder if at some point I will write something that someone will stumble upon, perhaps by accident, that will be of some relevance to them. In the meantime, I am fairly content writing to myself, the three other people I know who read this blog, and the reader who keeps tuning in from Russia. Not sure who you are, but Здравствуйте!

I'm pretty excited because this has been a crazy month full of a lot of new and exciting things. (These thoughts are not necessarily in order of significance or chronology, I'm just writing as I spout.) Kind of an expansion on October 19th, but not quite. It'll always be October 19th... in here.

First, my friends finally got married, and I was able to celebrate as a part of the wedding party, which was incredible and full of fun memories, good times, great singing, dancing, and nail polish that is really showing wear and tear on my fingernails that I will not remove until the last possible moment.

Second, I have been indulging my ears in more Disney songs sung in Polish to assist me while I learn the language. The only little bugger is when I try to translate English into Polish, and vice versa, I end up mentally translating into Chinese. (Is this normal?) It's so exciting to find that the pronunciation is starting to make more sense. It's always the grammar that's my problem though. And these Polish pronouns are going to take a while.

Third, I tried sushi for the first time, and anyone who knows me well enough knows this is HUGE because I do not like seafood. The bad news about this is now I have something else to waste my money on, because sushi is freaking good! Yeah, total shocker.

Fourth, I put up my Christmas lights, which is great because 1. my Christmas lights are the best, 2. I missed hanging them up last year so they have been on hiatus for almost two years, and 3. my Christmas lights are the best.

Fifth, this past Thanksgiving was the best Thanksgiving EVER. Seriously. Anyone who knows I do not like fish also likely knows that Thanksgiving is not a holiday I enjoy, rather one that I dread every time it comes around. And yet, ever since I spent Thanksgiving by myself a few years ago, every Thanksgiving in the year following has trumped the previous year. I may be a fan of this holiday now. Well, maybe not quite a fan, but I can at least tolerate it now.

Finally, prayer works!!! As time goes by, I keep finding my testimony of prayer (among other things) growing. And that's as far as I will go in talking about that lest I get too personal. But it's pretty amazing. A number of prayers are being answered and I am sooo blessed in life right now.

What's next? Figuring out how to survive turning a year older. Bye-bye November, hello Birthmas countdown. Ah, life is good.