Thursday, September 20, 2012

Digging Holes

Somehow, whenever I try and be real in blog form, I end up distracted, distorted, dizzy, and direction-less (that's not a word, which just proves my point). This may be another one of those times.

A few days ago, I was thinking about the parable of the talents from the New Testament. I have grown up reading this story backwards and forward, seeing it from multiple Christian denominations' points of view. It wasn't until a few days ago, though, that it really hit me. I thought about the servant who received one talent and because he was afraid (or whatever that may translate to) he buried his talent under the ground. And then I thought about myself as that servant, metaphorically burying my talent under the ground, for lots of different reasons: I'm insecure, I'm hesitant to speak up and let others know what I can do, I'm not as talented as the next person, I have no way of contributing my talent or at least no way of knowing how to, I feel like my talent is useless. I found a spot in the ground, a VERY deep spot in the ground, to bury my talent, because I was (and perhaps, am still) afraid.

I don't want to be the servant who buried his talent, and now I'm working to try and dig it back out. I'm stuck in a rut though because I don't know where it is, what I can do, what I'm good at, what I can become good at. (I credit psychology courses for helping me realize what makes me this way, and that's all I'm going to say about that.) I don't know what my talents are, and for the last few months I have been digging around trying to find the exact spot where I buried these talents, but to no avail, and all I'm left with are a bunch empty dug-up holes. If I can find out where my talents are hidden, maybe I can finally figure out how to use them.

This talk of digging and holes just sorted a conglomerate of related songs and clips through the ipod of my mind (and makes me realize I might have a bit more of Abed in me):

1. The Dig It song from Holes, and the movie Holes in general:

2. The Sea of Holes from the movie Yellow Submarine:

3. Celebrity Skin by Hole:

4. Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden:

5. This game of Scene to Rap from Whose Line:

6. Another amusing moment from Community:

Somehow it all comes back to Community, doesn't it? I think I just need to stop being serious in writing here specifically where I know other parties could be reading. (Yes, I'm referring to all two of you who actually read my blog!) All right, back to some more metaphorical digging in search of talent(s). Wish me luck, I need it. Dig it, oh oh oh...