I'm only going to mention briefly that which is reflected in the title of my post. I have thought a lot recently about my maturity (or possibly lack of), and I need to grow up and start acting my age. Whatever that means. I don't really feel like a 20-something and I think I have a lot of growing up to do in certain aspects of my life. On the one hand, I like where I'm at and don't mind staying here, but at the same time, I'm going through a lot of self-actualization, which is eye opening, fascinating, and frustrating at the same time. Many other people my age have well-paying jobs, nice cars, are getting married or having babies (in many instances both), taking lavish vacations, settling into their living situations, and overall basically living a pretty good life. I have a good life too, in fact a great life, but I've wondered if I'm falling behind, if there is something more I am supposed to do with this life. The consolation is I suppose I'm not the only 20-something who feels this way. Until I can figure this all out, I'm going to take my time growing up.
In less thought-jumbling news, I also need to get in touch with my double X chromosome. I should start a pinterest account. Honestly, do guys use pinterest? I think not. As much as I love being an honorary bro to my fellow bros, it's nice to feel like I can indulge in something more girly when things like chick flicks, off-the-shoulder shirts, diet coke, reality TV, and accompanied trips to the restroom have absolutely NO appeal whatsoever.
And in random adorable news, I want to see a live puppy parade. And I want Dean Pelton to be the commentator. Hehe, puppies.