Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Romance is Overplayed

So I wrote this big BIG post just now, and Blogspot felt it was not worth saving, and maybe it was right for all of what I wrote to be erased. I'll save the big posts for the future. Relating to all I had just written though, this commercial still makes me laugh:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

We All Have Emphatic Powers

Last night's awesome superhero themed dream included my powers of flight and The Force, and my stud of a boyfriend who in this case also had powers, one of which was the ability to walk through walls. We also had at least two other superheroes in our alliance, one male and one female, and our alliance had a catchy name that could make for a potentially great film title and involved fashion, which is as weird as it must sound. Or perhaps we were a comedic TV series, which if it involved me is more likely to be the case.

This time, my subconscious is probably telling me that I like even numbers, I am hot for the guy from Suits, and I have been on the Star Tours ride one too many times lately. In fact, all of this could probably be tied to Disneyland in one way or another.

One of the most interesting things about this dream was that when my guy and I had contact with each other we were able to take on each other's super powers. Is this reminiscent much of Heroes? Sure it is, and this could very well be viewed as a lame ripoff of Peter Petrelli. But in this case, the two of us already had our own powers, and it was only by making contact that we were able to use the other's power. Once the contact was broken, we were only left with our own powers.

Although I won't elaborate here, I can definitely see the parallels between these images from my subconscious and the happenings of real life. It even ties into the spiritual aspects of my life in a wonderful way, and whether I may be thinking too hard about it or reading into it too much is very likely. But I will say that walking through walls was a pretty sweet way to travel.